Elongatus - 'Pike Piranha'
Serrasalmus elongatus
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Fish Facts!
Serrasalmus elongatus piranha are amongst the most aggressive piranhas and there are three types and with their slender bodies they stand out from all the other piranha species. When first introduced into the aquarium they can be hard to ween off live foods, they need to be fed every other day to obtain there body weight as they are very active fish. Elongatus do well in moving water so a power head is a must. Growth up to 10"-11".
Elongatus Piranha Care
All types of Black Piranhas are solitary fish. Unsuitable to share a tank with any other fish.
You will need a tank of at least 120x50x50 cm. (48x20x20").
Plants, rocks or drift wood to provide hiding places, the tank lights should be dimmed. Heavy filtration is required to deal with the large amounts of waste this fish produces. A powerhead can be added to provide currents. Care is required in handling, extremely dangerous to hands.
24-29 degrees Celsius (76-84 degrees Fahrenheit).
pH should be between 6.0 - 8.0, ideally slightly acidic to neutral water: pH 6.5 - 7.2 . Soft water is preferred.
Extremely dangerous to others. Should generally be kept as solitary fish.
Fish (whole, fillet or feeders*), shrimp, cockles, mussels, squid, insects, earth worms, pellets. Food items such as poultry, mammal meat and organ meat should be fed sparsely once or twice a month at the most. Meat needs to be unseasoned and trimmed of any fat.
*Live fish need to be quarantined first, so they are safe to feed (containing no diseases or parasites). Goldfish, minnows and other members of the Cyprinid family (Carp-like fish) should be avoided, as these fish contain growth-inhibiting hormones (Thaiminase/Vitamine B1 inhibitors) that could negatively affect the fish's health and development.
We offer a postal courier service to any part of the country so distance is not an issue and our fish are packed and transported under correct conditions, an information sheet is included on 'What to do with your Piranha'.